First, the bad news.
There are three broad paths the future of the Planet is heading & two fall into the 'bad news' category. The most powerful one right now is without a doubt is Capitalism/Consumerism. Whenever Capitalism lands in a country it spreads like a 'matrix' & dominates it's surroundings. Advertising is a multi-billion industry & has no morals. Corporations are designed to make money for their share-holders & don't care if the product they are selling is toxic chemicals or cancerous cigarettes. People are called consumers & environmental & cultural aspects are not even considered. The most powerful nation in the World, the U.S., is dominated by corporate C.E.O.'s who control the Executive Branch of Government (the current Treasury Dept head who pleaded for a 700 BILLION bailout of Wall Street firms was a former CEO of an investment bank!) Capitalism does raise the standard of living of countries but if corporations get to decide the future of the Planet then Nature is doomed & future generations will have a consumer 'bar-code' embedded in their skin. Not only are multi-national corporations the problem but the whole mentality of Consumerism is a type of mass psychosis like watching several hours of television every night or millions of young folks addicted to violent video games. Unlimited Growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. Economic concerns need to be balanced with environmental & other issues for a sustainable future.
The 'tipping points' of horrific Climate Change/Global Warming are ever closer, yet Coal Plants are still being built at an alarming rate & we are still burning massive amounts of fossil fuels.
Over 35,000 human beings(mostly children) die of starvation or malnutrition everyday while 40% of the grain grown worldwide is used to feed 'farm' animals (like cows,pigs, & chickens) so we can slaughter them(millions daily) for flesh/meat consumption.
The 'dead' zones of the Oceans are increasing, rainforest's are still being clear cut, and the population of the Planet keeps increasing everyday putting stress on all ecosystems.
The United States is spending 650 BILLION dollars a year on it's military while 48 million of it's citizens have no health insurance.
There are still thousands of nuclear weapons (many on 'hair trigger' alert) and it only takes one to poison the Planet.
Over 35,000 human beings(mostly children) die of starvation or malnutrition everyday while 40% of the grain grown worldwide is used to feed 'farm' animals (like cows,pigs, & chickens) so we can slaughter them(millions daily) for flesh/meat consumption.
The 'dead' zones of the Oceans are increasing, rainforest's are still being clear cut, and the population of the Planet keeps increasing everyday putting stress on all ecosystems.
The United States is spending 650 BILLION dollars a year on it's military while 48 million of it's citizens have no health insurance.
There are still thousands of nuclear weapons (many on 'hair trigger' alert) and it only takes one to poison the Planet.
Of course, that's not news you'll get from the corporate television media. They will probably give you gory details of the latest sensational murder, the latest celebrity news, or whether the stock market is up or down the past hour!
There are three broad paths the future of the Planet is heading & two fall into the 'bad news' category. The most powerful one right now is without a doubt is Capitalism/Consumerism. Whenever Capitalism lands in a country it spreads like a 'matrix' & dominates it's surroundings. Advertising is a multi-billion industry & has no morals. Corporations are designed to make money for their share-holders & don't care if the product they are selling is toxic chemicals or cancerous cigarettes. People are called consumers & environmental & cultural aspects are not even considered. The most powerful nation in the World, the U.S., is dominated by corporate C.E.O.'s who control the Executive Branch of Government (the current Treasury Dept head who pleaded for a 700 BILLION bailout of Wall Street firms was a former CEO of an investment bank!) Capitalism does raise the standard of living of countries but if corporations get to decide the future of the Planet then Nature is doomed & future generations will have a consumer 'bar-code' embedded in their skin. Not only are multi-national corporations the problem but the whole mentality of Consumerism is a type of mass psychosis like watching several hours of television every night or millions of young folks addicted to violent video games. Unlimited Growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. Economic concerns need to be balanced with environmental & other issues for a sustainable future.
The second most powerful force on the Planet is Religious fundamentalism. The concept of the 'chosen people' is predominant in most religions & especially Judaism, Christianity, & Islam. Whether it is an Islamic fundamentalist 'suicide' bomber trying to kill as many 'non-believers' as possible or a Christian US President declaring a 'crusade' of a 'War on Terror' the result is the same as innocent people die from dualistic thinking. Religious fundamentalists claim their holy book is the only truth & force children to believe what they believe.
If politics in the US continues to be dominated by religious fundamentalists the US citizens will lose many freedoms & if religious fundamentalists continue to gain power & influence in the Middle East the outlook for peace is bleak. Religious fundamentalists believe in literal Armageddon & when enough people believe in a possible future if just might happen. Conflict is the most likely present/future outcome for growing religious fundamentalism.
The third force that is growing in the world is what might be called a Spiritual Revolution. This 'Third Force' emphasizes cooperation instead of competition, tolerance instead of hatred. It is represented by many different groups and movements all across the Planet. The Environmental, Democracy, Women's & Children(Human) Rights, & Indigenous People's Movements are all part of this non-violent Spiritual Revolution.
It is represented by the movement towards respect for International Law & documents such as the International Declaration of Human Rights. Thousands of N.G.O. groups such as Amnesty International & the Sea Shepard & Greenpeace are on the 'front lines' of trying to stop violence.
Authors such as Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now, A New Earth) are at the forefront of helping usher a new consciousness & create a more peaceful world.
Thousands of people all over the World are Waking Up to how interconnected their actions & thoughts are throughout the Planet. Every act of kindness reverberates throughout the Universe. LOVE WILL OUTSHINE the suffering! MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY AND FREE!
It is represented by the movement towards respect for International Law & documents such as the International Declaration of Human Rights. Thousands of N.G.O. groups such as Amnesty International & the Sea Shepard & Greenpeace are on the 'front lines' of trying to stop violence.
Authors such as Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now, A New Earth) are at the forefront of helping usher a new consciousness & create a more peaceful world.
Thousands of people all over the World are Waking Up to how interconnected their actions & thoughts are throughout the Planet. Every act of kindness reverberates throughout the Universe. LOVE WILL OUTSHINE the suffering! MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY AND FREE!
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