The financial crisis will come and go. Far more important is the Ecological crisis Planet Earth is facing. The Oceans, Rivers, tropical Rainforests, temperate Forests, Wetlands, and other Eco-systems are under relentless strain from our Industrialized society and our unceasing population growth. Even the Ozone layer, the thin outer membrane of the Planet that protects humans and other species from the harmful rays of our Star-Sun, has been weakened by the tons of harmful chemicals we have pumped into the atmosphere.
Global Warming is perhaps the most immediate crisis that needs to be dealt with. Humans continue to produce massive amounts of CO2 which keeps increasing the temperature of the Planet. The greatest fear is that too rapid an increase in temperature would release huge quantities of methane gas(20x more powerful than CO2!)that is currently being trapped in the bottom of the Oceans and in the permafrost in Siberia and Canada. Scientists keep increasing their predictions of temperature rise from 2(F) to 6 degrees. The last increase of 6 degrees in Planet surface temperature wiped out 98% of the Species on Earth! (Perhaps we should change the oxymoron 'War on Terror' to the 'Terror of Global Warming')
But 'fear' is not intelligent. What is needed is for people to 'Wake Up' and realize how their individual choices and actions contribute to the problem (and how Corporate actions and government inaction help to increase Global Warming)
When one starts to think ecologically on their actions they are actually showing a deep spiritual wisdom. A humble attitude that realizes that you are just one of almost seven billion of just one species on this incredible Planet. You understand how the current lifestyles of citizens in rich countries are unsustainable and a threat to a decent future for children and most of the Species on the Planet. (The average Westerner today consumes 100times the resources of a person living 200 years ago at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Combined with the population growth(10X) and the result is a 1000-fold increase in consumption, with all the resulting increase in waste and pollution)
Ways to consider being an eco-logical versus an ego-thinking Human:
1) The 'factory' farming of cows(8-ratio), pigs(4),chickens(2, and other animals causes up to 18% of Global Warming. (Also, an incredible waste of water resources and rainforests and up to 130x the excrement pollution of humans)
Any serious eco-thinker needs to stop eating cows and consider eating less animal flesh and becoming a vegetarian. (Ego-thinking would say "I like the taste of 'beef' too much!")
2) Eco-thinkers start to become aware of their energy usage. Are you aware now of what is the source of the lights/computer you are now using? Most of civilization's energy grid comes from 'dirty' energy such as coal,gas, or nuclear power plants. Only a small (but growing) percentage comes from 'clean' energy such as wind or solar power. Unless one is 'off-grid' you don't have much choice in changing your power source but you can conserve, or limit your energy usage when possible. You can turn off lights,computers,TV's,etc. when you leave a room as one example. (Ego- " I pay the electric bill in my (hotel)/house so I will use as much as I want!")
3) What type of transportation one uses really distinguishes one's eco-committment.
Eco-best to worst-
Walking,Biking,Public Transportation(buses,metro trains)electric scooters, gas scooters, electric cars, hybrid cars, motorcycles, small cars to gas guzzlers like SUV's..
I have eco-friends who have purposely given up their gas auto vehicles to ride their bikes to work and other friends who drive 90 minutes(each way!) to work alone in their auto's. If public transportation is not available(demand it!) consider starting a car pool! Better yet, eco-thinkers try to live in close proximity to their work. (On a special note Airlines are considered the worst eco-option( although bio-fuel engines are a future possibility) If you have to fly a long journey hope that your aircraft is full and consider buses or trains instead of short flights!)
4) Reduce-Reuse-Recycle
Stop being a mindless consumer. If you need to buy something also consider the wasteful 'packaging' that comes with it. A piece of styrofoam lasts up to 500 years!
An eco-thinker will almost always tell the store clerk(who mindlessly tries to give you a bag for your one to two items) "No, I don't need a bag" (I have my own or can carry it, put in my pocket,etc)
Cook your own food(or eat in a restaurant) instead of ordering 'take-out'..
Buy a water filter or re-fill bottles from a machine instead of buying more plastic..
Order a draft beer(or make your own!) instead of drinking from can's or bottles..
_________(fill in the blank!)
There are countless ways to start to thinking eco-logically and lighten one's eco-footprint on this precious Planet..Do you care about the future? Become an Eco-thinker!
Finding My Voice When There’s Nothing to Say
“I’ve lost my voice.” “You haven’t lost your voice,” my friend says in
response. “You just don’t have anything to say.”
Could this be true? In today’s...
11 years ago
1 comment:
Wise words from an eco-traveler. Especially the traveling bit touches me every time. It's like politically correct to travel and carry the understanding of different cultures between places but also we do leave some carbon footprint doing that. I took 4 flights the last 2 years just inside SE Asia only because there are no more boats between these places and visas are too short to consider going overland. Somehow the whole system is built around this inconsiderate approach. "If it makes money and is convenient it is good". Shouldn't I travel?
I admire your cycling. I think we really have to give it a try. It is not only environmentally good, it also keeps one healthy and the experience of traveling more fun. It's just that we have the consumer culture which glorifies the aircon SUV speeding down the highway or the airbus as the best way to travel. It may be very hard for most grownups to change their habits but we can have a chance if we manage to change the way we feed the youth. Today they learn happiness to be a car, an ipod, ariconned travel, etc. Even in seemingly innocent films only "freaks" care about environment or health, others don't care if they leave the lights on. Where d we start?
I recently came over a great article by Don Fritz (he has some other great articles online also). This is about oil and false idols of new car culture and ways to challenge that. It's here:
Thank you brother for spreading the word...
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