Thursday, December 03, 2009


For anyone who is clueless '2012' is not only a recent Hollywood disaster but also also the 'end' date of a several thousand year ancient Mayan time period. According to Mayan prophecy Winter Solstice, 2012 signals a 'shift' (end/beginning) in time-space ushering in a new time period. Some say at 11:11 am on Winter Solstice in three years time the Earth will be in the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy. What will happen then?
According to the script-writer of the '2012' flick calamity will strike everywhere on Earth. The movie goes through about every disaster imaginable (except nuclear war & a meteor strike) The Earth's crust starts to melt bringing earthquakes & 1,500! meter tsunami's, the polar caps shift, & Yellowstone Super-Volcano blows covering the entire US in dusty darkness..(amazingly it does not cover the entire World as clear skies appear in the last scene as the survivors float to safety in their Chinese Metal-ship Arks)
Who knows what will actually happen at that moment in time? Do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? The fact is we don't know for certain anything about the 'future'. (except that our bodies will one day/year stop functioning)
Instead of death & destruction Optimists ('New Ager's') have a different take on 2012. To some it will be signal a new beginning for the human species. We will have a radical shift in consciousness or awakening & will realize the inter-connectedness of ourselves to all beings.
Other idea's are that the mysterious beings creating the crop circles & such ('Aliens') will finally show themselves & blow folks minds wide open...Of course fundamentalist religious folks believe that we are in 'end times' & their Savior will miraculously appear & amazingly make them disappear into 'heaven' & the rest of the 'sinners' will be 'left behind' with that bad horny devil...(actually both of those scenario's sound equally plausible..)
Here is one fact I believe. We really have no control over Nature. Can humanity stop a Tsunami? Can we stop a Volcano from blowing up? No. Some scientist's feel we are approaching a 'tipping point' in Climate Change (the melting of the Ice Caps,etc) which could result in a rather sudden Global 'Burp' which could be quite nasty (Oceans or Siberia releasing massive amounts of Methane Gas) Heck, when the Yellowstone Volcano does blow up one day it will cover the entire Planet in horrific dust..(some theorize the Dinosaurs were taken out by a Meteor creating dust that blocked the Sun out for years)
Although I believe we have no control over 'acts of Nature' I do believe we can influence the Noosphere of Humanity & that all living Beings are inter-connected. Have you heard of the 100th Monkey? A book by Ken Keyes about stopping Nuclear Arms/Wars but also an actual study of Monkeys on remote Japanese Islands. Scientists observed that one tribe of Monkeys on one Island started washing their fruit(before eating) for the first time...At a certain point(perhaps the '100th' Monkey) scientists on another Island realized that the behavior tranfered to Monkeys on the other Islands although there was no physical contact.
Why I am sharing this story is that I will go with the Optimists on 2012. There have been actual studies that groups of people who meditate or pray can lower the crime rate in cities or help individuals in physical healing. If enough people across the Planet are centered & sending out peaceful 'love/compassion' vibrations perhaps it will shift humanity into a less fearful vibration. Imagine millions of people on Winter Solstice 2012 meditating/praying for Peace. That's a beautiful thought isn't it? (maybe 11/11/11 can be a great warm-up!)
Love or Fear? I will go with Love. But even if the doomsayers are right & 2012 is the 'end' of Civilization I will still be sitting in meditation that day. I would rather sit on a beach & wait for the Tsunami to come(what a last bodysurf ride!) than be hiding in fear.
'2012' starts today. This moment. This breath. Be the '100th' Monkey. Be at Peace. Turn on your Heart-Light. Share your Love. Open Heart, Open Mind. One Love, One People, One Planet. Namaste.


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