Thursday, June 29, 2006

9-Border Town Scam

After a long day(sitting) on the slow-boat on the Mekong I am ready to get off the boat...I'm the first brave farong off the boat at our overnight stop at the village of Pat Beng..there are many local young /old men waiting for us & of course I get the most aggressive who insists on showing me a cheap guesthouse...we walk up the long hill to the one lane town & he shows me a room with a tiny window overlooking the Mekong for 1oo baht(less $3)...I take it & then he puts the hard sell on me to buy some weed..I tell him no thanks but he opens the bag & has me smell it..what the hell it's been awhile & I'm tired..he starts at 600 & we get down to 100 & a couple of rolling papers & then he leaves to find more rich farongs....5 minute later a knock on my's a local guy I remember from the boat who is friends with the other guy & wants to smoke some....sure what the heck & I let him roll us one & we play the guitar a bit then he leaves....10 minutes later another knock.... a guy I don't know want to come in..okay you want to smoke to huh?...when I hand him the joint he goes into this 'you are in trouble, unless you give me 100 $ I call the cops'(he has a cell phone in his hand)...I'm a little stoned but 95% certain he's full of B.S.(we are in the middle of knowhere on the Mekong in Laos!)..I grab the joint & go off on him a bit & push him out the door....5 minutes later he's back & lowers his 'call the cops' threat to $10...I kind of go off on him again about bad business karma after I bought weed from his buddy then give him 8,000 Kip(about $1) just to leave me alone..he comes back a 3rd time but I ignore him & he slides the money under the, what a comedy of errors I created...LIVE & LEARN....

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