Tuesday, July 11, 2006

14-Pai(part II)

On the last day of my first visit to Pai(5 days) I went to an all day trance dance party at the Mango Place then across the street to 'Good Life' which had an outdoor fire & drum circle...I met lots of cool folks who have lived here for awhile & kept in touch with one new Brazilian friend who encouraged me to come back for a longer visit so here I am again....my first 3 nights I stayed at the 'Family Place' near the river...huts were very small but nice elder & daughters(family!)..experienced a major flood which I wrote previously about in my email....I took my $2/day scooter & took bridge across the river to 'Misty View' which has nice hut's for only 100 bt/day..very peaceful & higher ground!....some interresting folks in other huts including a Japanese woman who has been traveling 8 months(& soon going back to Japan with Thai vegetable seeds to plant)..also Claire from France who I took sightseeing to the waterfalls & elephant camps...at an outdoor party one night I met local woman named Bee who told me she works as cook at a resort 6 days week/ about 9 hours days for monthy minimin wage salary of 6,000 baht a month which figures out to 30baht an hour(less $1).....weather is gray alot as rainy season is here...going to switch to renting a bike as I need the exercise!...here for at least another week but I'm thinking of doing a meditation retreat soon....peace...

1 comment:

Charles said...

Free, it's been seven days since we heard from you. My arrival in Bangkok is set for October 20th, and I will be in Thailand north country until December 12th. Please write about good affordable places to sleep, where to rent the good mountain bikes and scooters, and where to get wireless internet. Heard you have a camera now so we'll look forward to seeing the photos too. Let me know if I can help on this end with anything. Maybe our paths will cross when I get there. Much exceitement going on in November, December, and January, plus it's the high season for tourism. Have you been to Chiang Rai? Done a visa run yet?