Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Wrong Bus/ Golden Temple

'Is this the Bus to Dharmasala/mumbo-jumbo?).....'Yes..(mumbo-jumbo/Amritsar).....I saw 2 white foreigners up front so just assumed they were going to Dharmasala & even aske d another local who said 'Yes' to Dharmasala.....about 100 kilometers later at our lunch stop a friendly computer student named Rehul told me No, I was headed to Amritsar!....oh well, I'm not on a time schedule anyway....
Amritsar is in the Punjab state & is a Sikh holy city....Sikkh's from all over India come here to pray at the incredible Golden Temple which is surrounded by water & an enclosed marble circular path...priests keep a continuous reading of the Sikh holy book & pilgrims throw coins & bills in the centerof the Temple(which priests stuff in a big box) while chanting & singing happens....I stayed at the free(donation) dorms & ate the free group meals at the temple....besides my time at the temple complex I went out to explore the town with some young English folks who just came from Pakistan....

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