I was going to title this post 'The Republican Soccer Mom' or 'What Would Jesus Do?' but the fact is I'm not a Republican or a Christian. So consider me a 'bleeding heart' Liberal/Progressive.
Recently I was called a 'commie' online for sharing an article on increasing the tax rate on wealthy individuals so perhaps I will state what this 'bleeding heart' progressive's ( still evolving) political belief's are.
-I believe in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by US/UN in 1948)
art. 1 "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
-I believe in the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, & the U.S. Constitution as a living, evolving document. (Abolishing Corporate Personhood should be the next amendment)
-I believe in the Green Party's 10 Key Values
-Money has corrupted the U.S. political system & no real change will happen without serious campaign finance reform (public-funded elections)
-Government is necessary in our over-populated, industrialized society
-Progressive taxation creates a more egalitarian, just society
-Capitalism without environmental & other regulations is a destructive system
-All workers have the right to form a union & have a living wage
-The "growing military,industrial complex" is out of control & the Pentagon's budget is obscene
-U.S. citizens are less safe because of the foreign bases & hundred's of thousands of soldiers stationed in foreign lands (other people's countries)
-Dropping bombs(& firing missles by drones) on rural villages & cities is terrorism
-Climate Change is a far more serious threat to the U.S./World than Muslim extremism
-Single Payer/Universal Health Care is a RIGHT for all people
Recently I have connected on Facebook with old school friends, many who classify themselves as Republicans and/or Christians. Although I know in their daily lives these folks are kind to their family & friends I am amazed at how 'cold-hearted' their political views can be toward others. Many post political opinion 'polls' & some of those polls are truly mean-spirited.
I wonder if the average 'Republican soccer Mom' has considered how her support for Republican politicians & policies may actually be harmful to her children's future. Republicans have been against alternative energy & Climate Change initiatives for over two decades. The last incompetent Republican President wasted eight years of action despite overwhelming scientific evidence that industrial/human actions are heating the Planet. (only 6% of scientists consider themselves Republican)
As for Jesus, wasn't he a homeless wanderer who healed the sick free of charge & talked about 'turning swords into plowshares'? Didn't he radically speak out against the wealthy & Pharisee's, who were concerned with upholding "the law" but had become hardened against the needs of the people? Which political party is the 'Pharisee's' of today? Who is concerned with morality (gay marriage) but cares nothing about people in pain & need?
Would Jesus spend waste one second listening to Rush Limbaugh or the blowhards on Fox 'News'? Would He support the 'status quo' of 18,000 unnecessary deaths a year & millions of people without insurance or support health care for everyone?
I respect people's right to protest but where was the outrage when the U.S. dropped bombs and invaded other countries? If you call yourself a 'conservative' & rant against the poor/welfare but not against corporate 'welfare' or the Pentagon's budget & military occupations you are being inconsistent (Rep. Ron Paul is the last conservative/libertarian politician with any integrity)
We need more 'bleeding hearts" in the United States. With 18,000 unnecessary deaths a year Health Insurance is a MORAL issue. We need people to realize that government policies/actions can create less real suffering in the world(by giving millions health insurance) or more suffering (military actions)...
Well, this 'bleeding heart' has ranting long enough...Maybe I've offended a few folks..Sorry, but thanks for reading!
Finding My Voice When There’s Nothing to Say
“I’ve lost my voice.” “You haven’t lost your voice,” my friend says in
response. “You just don’t have anything to say.”
Could this be true? In today’s...
11 years ago
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