All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the Reaper
nor do the Wind, Sun, or Rain
We can Be like they are
Come on baby..don't fear the Reaper
Baby take my hand..don't fear the Reaper
We'll be able to fly..don't fear the Reaper
(Don't Fear) the Reaper was a classic rock song from the band Blue Oyster Cult in the 1970's. The lyricist stated the song was about not fearing Death (the Reaper), and the power of Love to endure our physical Forms.
All Life (forms) are subject to Death & there is a constant flow of death & birth on this Planet.
About 150,000 People die each day. About 350,000 Babies are born every day. (another topic!)
Look around you as you go about your day. Every person you meet today, or see on the internet or television is going to die one day. So will you. If we are lucky we will die an old man or woman, surrounded by loved ones or perhaps peacefully in our sleep. But there is no guarantee of that. The only guarantee is that you, & every human being & other life forms on this Planet will die some day.
You may have a simplistic belief that on death you will ascend to 'heaven' & play harps with Jesus, or as a Muslim will be hanging out with the 101 virgins. Or perhaps you are a New-Ager & your 'guides' tell you death is like 'taking off an tight shoe'. Or perhaps you are a Buddhist or Hindu & believe in reincarnation but that doesn't change the fact that YOU, as a separate Body-Mind in THIS LIFETIME will cease to exist one day. Your children or friends may remember you for many years afterwards but eventually memories will fade, & they too will face the 'Grim Reaper'.
The more we examine, or embrace this subtle(or not so subtle) FEAR of Death that occurs throughout our experiences as a Human Being, the more Freedom we actually have. Freedom to BE fully ALIVE in this unique BODY-MIND in THIS LIFETIME.
ps (recently good friends have passed away... this is something I wrote this over 10 years ago when my father died..)
Jerry Garcia is dead. My father died in May. Summer is coming to an end and autumn slowly appears. We grieve for loved ones and let go knowing precious memories remain and their spirit lives on in each of us.
Out of the darkness of night, we see stars of light. Whether the soul lives on behind the pearly gates or is soon reincarnated again to experience this earthly realm is not as important as the love shared between sentient beings. Love is eternal and will not fade away. Love is beyond all words...Love Is! Feel it, don't think about it! Feel the inhalation...and exhalation...:)
We'll be able to fly...Don't fear the Reaper..
Finding My Voice When There’s Nothing to Say
“I’ve lost my voice.” “You haven’t lost your voice,” my friend says in
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11 years ago
1 comment:
reading your writing reminds me one thing, i used to think about "death", how it would be like when a person die. we are afraid of something that we don't know, and "death" is one of them (others like "ghost"). i wonder would people fear it so much if they know exactly what would happen after life?
a friend of mine once said that people are sad when their close family member or friend died because they know that they will never see them again. so, actually who are people feeling sad for? the person who died? or those who are still alive?
just a thought...
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