Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I'm a backpacker..I've got a small backpack & a small guitar...no suitcase or fancy hotels for me...I just need a bed or a hammock or tent to lay my head down...having my own bathroom is nice but sharing a shitter/shower is no big deal....so I finally found a great hostel in Chiang Mai...Julie's Guesthouse is great...cheap(90-140 Baht for a room) with 3 nice communal spaces to meet people..(other backpackers!)...I've been meeting lots of interesting folks....of course the Thai guys that run the place are cool..I've met two interesting Americans...one a young bro from New York(going to U of Miami Law School in fall) who left to do a Buddhist meditation retreat nearby...also a wildman salesman who used to be a traveling Deadhead...we realized we had both been arrested in downtown Atlanta the same night in 95 before a show!.(long story but me for playing my drum in the street & him for selling beer!)....an interesting bro from the Phillipines who teaches English in Bangkok....some cool folks from Amsterdam....an nice bro who has been voluntering in orphanages & helping build alternative houses & a wild woman tour guide....some cool girls from London & an awesome Swedish girl who is here 'in training' everyday at a gym for Thai boxing(use legs & arms)...& I'm going out dancing tonight with my 'buddy'(she's dating a nice Thai guy) a wild redhead from British Columbia who used to be on the Canadian water-polo team (the brutal stories she tells!)....I'm sure to meet meet many more interesting, cool backpackers on my circle around the planet....time to boogie...peace vibes from Chiang Mai...

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