Thursday, August 31, 2006


I'm in Kanchanaburi, staying at the C & C Guesthouse with a 70 baht room literally floating on the River Kwai..(yes, very near the WWII & Hollywood famous 'Bridge Over The River Kwai'...go ahead & whistle the song now that it's in your head)....sleeping on the River is nice except for the loud tourist speedboats that go by occasionally..(but the waves they make give the room a nice rocking motion!)....My friend Watcharee & her daughter live near here...Watcharee used to have a 9 to 5 regular job but now she makes unique silly little jewelry men she sells to girls at local night markets & does fine for herself....she took me today at sunset to the most incredible Wat/temple I've seen in Thailand a few km. out of town with a huge Buddha on top of a hill overlooking the valley....of course I didn't bring my camera!...there is also a 'Tiger Temple'(live tigers!)& various waterfalls & other sites nearby but I've decided to leave tomorrow & head back north to Chaing Mai by Train...I want to replace an mp3 player I bought there but mainly visit a Wat there where one can do intensive Vipassanna practice..(I considered going back to Suan Mokkh for another 10 days but will go North instead)...PEACE

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