Thursday, September 21, 2006


I didn't find out about the Military taking over the government until I checked the BBC news on the internet yesterday. I then learned from a local that that 'tanks' were stationed at the U.S. Consulate so I walked over & took some pictures( It appears the much respected King of Thailand has given his approval of the Military's actions. The Prime Minister was a controversial political leader whose 'get tough' policies led to 3,000 'drug dealer's' deaths by the police & much violence in the southern Muslim provinces(Interestingly the top General of the Coup is a Muslim in this overwhelmingly Buddhist country)
A famous comment goes something like " Democracy is a terrible form of government but better than anything else"...I hope that Democracy in Thailand is restored before too long as it is much better than 'Martial Law'(No Constitution, No Parliment,Political Parties & all political gatherings over 5 people banned)......As much as I dislike my own(U.S.) President I would rather see him legally Impeached for violations of the U.S. Constitution(particuarly the 4th,6th & 8th amendments)than the Military rolling into Washington & disbanding Congress...but Thailand is a special situation with troops pledging loyalty to the King.....
My greatest political concern is the illegal actions of my own government(Invasion & Occupation of Iraq with 130,000 troops & now talk of bombing Iran?!) The greatest human rights violations in Southeast Asia is the Myanmar/Burma military government actions & the continued 'house arrest'for many years of Democracy leader & Nobel Prize Winner Aung San Suu Kyi, 'The Lady' as the Burmese people call her ..Myanmar is one of the worse military regimes on the planet & it's people have been suffering for years under Martial Law...

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