Sunday, September 03, 2006


Air pollution is a serious problem in Thailand. In most large cities here, especially Bangkok, many people wear masks while driving or walking because of the car exhaust pollution. Although the entire world could be using ethanol fuel grown from corn(which produces water as exhaust instead of toxic fumes like gasoline) political decisions by powerful nations keep money flowing to multi-national oil corporations. Twenty-six years ago Republican President Ronald Reagan took control of the U.S. government & took the solar panels off the White House & cut funding for alternative energy by 90%. Twenty-six years later the U.S. has a Republican 'oil man' from Texas as President & has appointed former corporate C.E.O.'s to run the government. Mult-national oil corporation's profits have never been higher.
The most serious politcal problem facing mankind & the planet is not the 'War on Terror' (WAR is TERROR!) but the rise of corporate power & consumerism...Corporations have acheived legal 'personhood' in the United States & many muti-national corporations have greater finiancial wealth than entire nations....Corporations are created for the main purpose of making money for their stockholders & care nothing about clean water or air & notions like equal rights & justice....
In each democracy there is usually one political party(Republican Party in U.S) that is corrupted completely by corporate power. The challenge for Progressives is to take over the other 'Wall Street' Party(Democrats) & make it a true voice for peace & justice....(or join small progressive parties like the Greens)....only if progressive parties take power can laws be passed to regulate corporations, stop pollution, & create social justice....

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