Sunday, September 03, 2006


I'm not a Krishna..some people think because I have a wierd haircut I'm Krishna but although I admire the Krishna's for their joyous chanting & feeding poor people for free I don't need to worship the cute little blue boy...I'm not a Christian,Muslim,Jewish, or even a Buddhist ....
I have problems with religious 'dualism'...heaven/hell, good/evil, spirit/matter......I'm a non-dualist....heaven & hell are feelings & places here on earth, there is a little 'good' & 'evil' in every human heart, the spiritual world is Here & Now if we slow down enough to Feel & See the Mystery.....'God' is a concept but refers to a vastness beyond our intellect....we don't need a priest or a 'holy' book to 'know God'....the 'Big Bang' is ongoing...every expanding & contracting breath is an ongoing process of Energy, God, the Universe.....we are the wave & the ocean...every being in the Universe is interconnected with everyone like the song says, SMILE on your brother(sister) everybody get together & try to LOVE one another right NOW....

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