Thursday, November 23, 2006

38-Guitar Blues

Panic. That's how the mind felt about 1 hour into the 5 hr. backwater boat journey back north. Oh Shit! I left my guitar next to the coconut tree by the River at the Ashram! I rushed below deck to check to see if somehow it was with my backpack but alas, no dice. After that realization the mind calmed down & I pondered whether some of the local workers by the River 'groundscored' it or returned it to the Ashram. It was a nice little Jasmine backpacker I had picked up in Arcadia, California about 2 years ago & I still hadn't really learned to play it!....I decided to let it 'go' & email 'Recycling'Bill at the ashram to give it to him if it was turned in(it was)......I vow to play my next(Bigger/easier to play) Guitar more!!

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