Thursday, November 23, 2006

37-Morning Notes

14 Nov Ammaritpuri Ashram

Sitting at a desk up high above the ground(16th floor) looking out into the Arabian Sea...I just finished my morning meditation & yoga (6 Sun Salutations,Warrior,Plow & Boat) first the Mind was scattered as usual, discourse thought from here to there...but at some point I just became centered & still...simply aware of the sounds (far off waves on the shore, crows squaking, engine sound of Bus, hammer banging,..also aware of the sensations of the body-hands touching knees, slight skin pressure of my foot on the floor mat...awareness of the breathing....& simple awareness of 'no thought', just Being, this the 'no self' awareness?...what else is there?....perhaps deeper levels of 'emptiness' as the Buddhists would say or energetic 'fullness' coming from an esoteric Western view.....

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