Friday, January 05, 2007

Thanks for Reading!

Ha! I guess you're reading this so MAHALO for checking my writings & travel info...I've been traveling(this time) for over 7 months! much as I'm tempted to keep going as long as my ATM card keeps spitting out Baht or Rupees I've decided to 'settle down' in Taiwan & teach a good friend there who lives in a small town on the east coast with hot springs & surfing nearby & a good ex-pat community....I may be there awhile..(or just save up money & keep going...Austrailia & Brazil have yet to be experienced!)....
So this blog is mainly my experiences & travel tips for Thailand,Laos, & India (I regret not visiting Cambodia!) cousin asked me which countries were the friendliest & I have to say all the countries are friendly!'s good to get out of the tourist areas & big cities where folks don't smile as much but everywhere I've traveled in Asia there are smiling faces & kind's also been enjoyable meeting interesting fellow travelers from across the planet....the culmination of this journey was the recent World Rainbow Gathering in southern Thailand where I camped with several hundred people from 40 different the dinner circle we hold hands & usually do a chant like this...
We are a Circle, within a Circle, with no Beginning, & never Ending (repeat)
& then a long AUM, representing the totality of all sound(among other things) & the SILENCE afterwards....
Happy Trails, jFree

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