Thursday, January 04, 2007

41-Taking a Poop

One of my last memories of India is on the train ride north to the early dawn on the outskirts of the sprawling city the train passed dozens of people squatting next to the multi tracks taking their morning 'dump'...
I first learned the health advantages of 'squatting' vs. 'sitting' in my massage course in Atlanta years ago by a yoga-massage teacher who explained the recent western way of sitting on toilet was not as healthy on the bowels as the ancient practice of squatting...until recently though I was still addicted to the western habit of 'toilet paper' for 'wiping' Asia people clean themselves with water as it is more hygenic & the plumbing systems clog with paper (so baskets are provided in hotels/hostels) India though, at Amma's ashram there are no baskets!...adding to that fact was that my western roommate for awhile didn't use paper & got me wondering how 'sanitary' my practice of bagging my soiled paper to dispose of in the trash cans outside really was....soooooo, at least in Asia, which provides hoses or buckets of water for cleansing no TP FOR ME!!!...SAVE THE TREES & BE an ECO-Squirter not Wiper!!..SMILES...

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