Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Chinese-American Friendship Day

I decide to keep traveling north to Chaing Mai so back to the Bus station for another 5 hour ride...the next town up a bunch of Chinese University students get on the Bus and a talkative female student, Yang Jian Lin from Kunmzing, China sits besides me...they have been studying Thai language but she has studied English for over nine years so she gets to practice with me....she wants to be a travel/tour guide and tells me I must come to China since I'm 'so close'....the next town an Indian businessman sits nearby and it appears we have an international conference on the Thai Govt. Bus to Chaing Mai.....on arrival we all go our separate ways and I get a 'tuk-tuk' to the 'inner city'....I wander a bit & eventually find a decent night I meander to the famous 'night market' which necessitates walking past all the 'girlie' bars...I can't resist going down one mall area which has bars on either side with a huge boxing ring with 2 Thai kick-boxers going at it in the middle...every bar has several ladies inviting me in for a is the 'slow' season here and I'm a popular guy!...I chose the safe route though and keep smiling & walking....I finally find the market & get a great deal on some silk 'drawers'(underwear) for 65 baht...eventually I make it back to the hotel room without being sidetracked by wine or women...

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