Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Heading North

Well Bangkok I hardly knew ya!...I'll have to visit again sometime...actually I was on my back sleeping much of my few days in the big city as I must have caught a fever from the freezing flight from Taipai and then landing in the humidity of Bangkok...I got a great Thai massage for only 180 Baht which helped quite a bit...other highlights were checking out some temples(Wat's) including the famous golden HUGE 'Reclining' Buddha, riding the passenger ferry on the wide Mae Nam Chao River & riding the famous tuk-tuk's in the infamous Bangkok traffic...Luke headed south with his cousin but I bought an overnight 'sleeper' train ticket north to Chaing Mai....upon arrival to the Train Station I find out a 50-yr. Flood has wiped out the northern line(& killed dozens of people)...I'm all packed up however(& not wanting to head back to the 'ghetto') so I buy a ticket to AYUTTHAYA the next town north....it appears I'm the only white person on the train(it's late) and upon arrival the town appears very sleepy except for the tuk-tuk driver who wants 50 Baht(the train ride only cost 20!)...I'm using my 'Lonely Planet' travel book as my Bible at this point and tell him to take me to the area with lots of hostels...he drops me off in nowheresville but certainly saves me a long walk from the train station...lots of barking(at me) dogs on the streets but hardly any people...I finally find a place mentioned in the Guide but alas it is full but the kindly lady tells me where to go nearby with lots of hostels....I evenually throw my pack down at 'BJ1'(yes, that's the real name), a local family-type place for only 100 Baht....I could fit 4 people in my bed but tonight it's just me and my guitar...

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